14年05月14日 "Memoirs of a Circus Clown": The Reality of the Dream The true story of film and television actor David Figlioli's journey from a hard fought steady career in Hollywood to his life changing decision to run away and join the circus.
Attempted human rights violations, drug use, imprisonment, deportation, sex, bureaucratic buffoonery, world travel, cultures clashing, artistic growth and the reality of living the dream are candidly unveiled in the new book, "MEMOIRS of a CIRCUS CLOWN".
Unapologetically honest and yet filled with the belief in the importance of dreams, "MEMOIRS of a CIRCUS CLOWN" is a unique, first person account of an actor following his dreams of working in television and the subsequent midlife crisis that propelled him to get a job touring and performing as a clown in the circus.
Discover the reality of working in Hollywood and an insiders view of what it takes to audition, train, tour and perform for millions of spectators in the modern day circus. Follow the experience of one man's journey of conquering his biggest fears and the ultimate discovering of himself while hidden behind a mask of clown make-up. 【本文抜粋】