→→→ The Journals of George Augustus Robinson, Chief Protector, Port Phillip Aboriginal Protectorate: Volume 5: 25 October 1845-9 June 1849 The journals of George Augustus Robinson (1788-1866), the Chief Protector of Aborigines of Port Phillip from 1839 to 1849, are a rich source of historical and ethnohistorical information. His voluminous private papers and journals were acquired by the Mitchell Library in New South Wales in 1939 from the estate of his son Arthur P. Robinson of Bath, England. The papers did not arrive in Sydney until
1949, their departure from England being delayed by their possible destruction in transit during the second world war.
Although N.J.B. Plomley (1966, 1987) has published the journals that relate to Robinson's period in Tasmania (1829-1838), the journals that concern Victoria were largely unpublished until this series of five volumes was produced. The neglect of Robinson's Port Phillip material is difficult to explain. A possible reason may be the notorious illegibility of some of Robinson's hand writing. There are several reasons for this illegibility: a failure to form letters and numerals clearly and the conditions under which the journals were written. However, a protracted reading of the microfilm copies has enabled me to become very intimate with Robinson's writing and its idiosyncracies.
In microfilm form, the journals represent 4,300 frames, arranged into five reels. The journal has been published as a series of volumes as they relate more or less to the microfilm reels. Accordingly the volumes are as follows:
Volume One: January 1839 - September 1840; Volume Two: October 1840 - August 1841; Volume Three: September 1841 - December 1843; Volume Four: January 1844 - October 1845; Volume Five: October 1845 - June 1849.
This present volume is Volume Five, covering October 1845 to June 1849.
This publication of Robinson's journals is an important addition to the already published material, for they offer valuable insights into the state or relations between Aboriginal peoples and Europeans in the districts he visited. Because they date from the formative years of the European occupation of Victoria they enable us to capture the extent of the social turmoil that resulted from that unwelcome intrusion. 【引用:ショップサイトより】
→→→ KB's History of Survivor Series A look back at one of the biggest pay per view series of all time. This book goes over every Survivor Series in history, breaking down every match, promo and segment with detailed history, analysis and historical context. The series has seen legends debut, classic matches and the most infamous night in wrestling history. It's certainly worth a look back if you're a fan of wrestling history or a brand new fan. 【引用キャッチコピー抜粋】
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