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未開封新品*日本語Microsoft Office Professional20

未開封新品*日本語Microsoft Office Professional2010 Plus OEM



Title:未開封新品*日本語Microsoft Office Professional2010 Plus OEM


2014年05月25日 23時 日曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>



[画像(上)の説明]布団に潜むダニやダニのフンなどを、叩きだし→除菌→吸引で徹底除去!■ 「ダニ」対策に!寝具はダニの温床といわれます。しかし最近は空気の汚れが気になり、外に布団が干しにくい…。■ ハンディタイプのふとん掃除機干しにくい、洗いにくい布団のダニを除去するハンディタイプの『除菌クリーナー“ケアウィン”』。分厚いマットレスやソファ、カーペット、カーテン、衣類、ぬいぐるみなどにも使えます!■ 天日干しだけでは不十分?寝具のアレル対策は天日干しだけでは不十分といわれます。ダニは死滅しても死骸やフンが残るためで、しっかり除去するには叩いて、吸い込むことが不可欠。■ 1分間に3、600回の振動で叩きだし、強力に吸引!『ケアウィン』なら、1分間に3、600回振動する4つの「叩きプレート」で布団の奥に潜むダニの死骸、フン、ホコリまでしっかり叩きだし、パワフルに吸引!効率的に除去できます。■ 約99.6%のダニを回収!検査機関によるダニ回収試験では、5分間掃除後のダニ回収率は、およそ99.6%。ダニが大幅に減少しました!※試験方法:ヤケヒョウダニを約5000匹ナイロンタフタ生地の寝具カバーにばらまき、5分間の清掃後にダニ計数法で測定。試験機関:株式会社愛研■ UVランプで除菌も!さらに『ケアウィン』には「UV除菌ランプ」も搭載!布団の表面に紫外線を照射することで除菌も可能。雑菌が気になるソファや、洗いにくいスーツ、コートなどにもお薦めです。■ シーツなどを巻き込みにくい使い方はアイロンを掛けるように布団の上を滑らせるだけ。布の巻き込みを防ぐ吸着防止ローラー搭載だから、シーツやカーテン、衣類にもスムーズに使えます。…「吸引+叩きだし+UV除菌」の他、「吸引+UV除菌」、「UV除菌」のみも可能。■ 排気はクリーン!お手入れもラク!0.3ミクロンの微細なホコリまでキャッチするHEPAフィルター内蔵だから排気もキレイ!さらに紙パック不要、ダストケースは水洗い可能。清潔&経済的に使えます。 【仕様】 ●色=(ア)ピンク(イ)グリーン●サイズ(約)=幅22奥行き34高さ17cm・重量2.2kg●素材=本体…ABS樹脂、フィルター…HEPAフィルター・プレフィルター●消費電力500W●3、600回/分の振動による叩きだし、UV除菌、強力吸引、クリーン排気、3段階のお掃除モード、吸着防止ローラー付き、コード長さ約3.7m●英国アレルギー協会認定、レッドドットデザイン賞受賞●HC-600●韓国製 1分間に最大3、600回の振動で、ダニのフンや死骸を強力に叩き出します。(イ)さわやかなイエローグリーン色。ソファやカーペット、ぬいぐるみなどに!(ア)かわいく使えるピンク色。・ハンディクリーナーに、UV除菌ランプも搭載し除菌もできる!・吸い込み口に吸着防止ローラーを搭載!シーツやカーテン、衣類の吸着・巻き込みを防ぎ、お掃除がスムーズ!紙パック不要!ダストケースは取り外して水洗い可能。<3段階のお掃除モード>(1)吸引+叩きだし+UV除菌 (2)吸引+UV除菌 (3)UV除菌ダニのフンなど微細な粉塵をキャッチし、キレイな排気を実現!英国アレルギー協会認定

The Journals of George Augustus Robinson

The Journals of George Augustus Robinson, Chief Protector, Port Phillip Aboriginal Protectorate: Volume 5: 25 October 1845-9 June 1849
The journals of George Augustus Robinson (1788-1866), the Chief Protector of Aborigines of Port Phillip from 1839 to 1849, are a rich source of historical and ethnohistorical information. His voluminous private papers and journals were acquired by the Mitchell Library in New South Wales in 1939 from the estate of his son Arthur P. Robinson of Bath, England. The papers did not arrive in Sydney until

1949, their departure from England being delayed by their possible destruction in transit during the second world war.

Although N.J.B. Plomley (1966, 1987) has published the journals that relate to Robinson's period in Tasmania (1829-1838), the journals that concern Victoria were largely unpublished until this series of five volumes was produced. The neglect of Robinson's Port Phillip material is difficult to explain. A possible reason may be the notorious illegibility of some of Robinson's hand writing. There are several reasons for this illegibility: a failure to form letters and numerals clearly and the conditions under which the journals were written. However, a protracted reading of the microfilm copies has enabled me to become very intimate with Robinson's writing and its idiosyncracies.

In microfilm form, the journals represent 4,300 frames, arranged into five reels. The journal has been published as a series of volumes as they relate more or less to the microfilm reels. Accordingly the volumes are as follows:

Volume One: January 1839 - September 1840; Volume Two: October 1840 - August 1841; Volume Three: September 1841 - December 1843; Volume Four: January 1844 - October 1845; Volume Five: October 1845 - June 1849.

This present volume is Volume Five, covering October 1845 to June 1849.

This publication of Robinson's journals is an important addition to the already published material, for they offer valuable insights into the state or relations between Aboriginal peoples and Europeans in the districts he visited. Because they date from the formative years of the European occupation of Victoria they enable us to capture the extent of the social turmoil that resulted from that unwelcome intrusion.


2014年05月25日 12時 日曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

KB's History of Survivor Series

KB's History of Survivor Series
A look back at one of the biggest pay per view series of all time. This book goes over every Survivor Series in history, breaking down every match, promo and segment with detailed history, analysis and historical context. The series has seen legends debut, classic matches and the most infamous night in wrestling history. It's certainly worth a look back if you're a fan of wrestling history or a brand new fan.

2014年05月24日 19時 土曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

Computers the Free Care and Feeding of..

Computers the Free Care and Feeding of...: How to maintain your computer using the best free programs
Let us show you some of the best programs that are amazingly flexible in keeping your computer running as fast and smoothly for free. These programs are sometimes superior to paid software and often work in slightly different ways to complement areas of weaknesses within one program or another. It is this overlapping protection that gives your computer better protection than relying upon just one or two programs. Here we show you ways of protecting and enhancing your online lifestyle in simple effective practical ways with a minimum of fuss. Freeware is Betterware. A collection of some of the very best online materials for keeping your computer safe and fast.


2014年05月24日 19時 土曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>