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Hope For Garbage

Hope For Garbage
5 STARS "A marvelous debut novel." - Reader's Favorite

Not your typical "poor boy meets rich girl" tale...

When your days are filled with fun things like

panic attacks, nightmares, and garbage-picking,

who has time for hope?

Welcome to the cruel world of Trevor McNulty. No matter how hard he tries, this seventeen year-old just can’t get a break. And with all of the chaos swirling around in his head, girls are the last thing he cares about. But that changes when he meets Bea Stewart, a rebellious rich girl with problems of her own.

A contemporary coming of age story, filled with memorable characters and intense emotion, Hope for Garbage is the tale of one teenager’s extraordinarily hard life, and the surprising journey he must take in order to survive.

A contemporary coming of age story, filled with memorable characters and intense emotion, Hope for Garbage is the tale of one teenager’s extraordinarily hard life, and the surprising journey he must take in order to survive.


2014年06月08日 20時 日曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>