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A Simple Guide to Cushing's Syndrome, Tr

A Simple Guide to Cushing's Syndrome, Treatment and Related Diseases (A Simple Guide to Medical Conditions)


Ode to Cushing Syndrome

Cushing Syndrome is due to the presence of excess corticosteroids

This is produced in the adrenal glands as mineral and glucocorticoids

Corticosteroids are also present as pharmaceutical medications

They are used in allergies and immunosuppressants in many conditions

Cushing Syndrome patients have round flat plethoric red face (moon face)

Their skin is thin and often bruises very easily

When there is a scratch and a localized injury (bump)

Truncal obesity occurs with pad of fat between shoulders (buffalo hump)

There is weakness of the muscles of the upper and lower limbs

Osteoporosis can lead to back pain and a leg limp

Excessive adrenal androgen secretions lead to acne and hirsutism

Stunting of growth may occur as in hypothyroidism

Treatment is by reducing all forms of iatrogenic corticosteroids

There may be use of anti-adrenal drug such as aminogluthemide

Bilateral adrenalectomy may reduce the adrenal hormone production

Pituitary tumor or primary tumor in lungs is removed by operation

-An original poem by Kenneth Kee

Interesting Tips about the Cushing Syndrome

A Healthy Lifestyle

1. Take a well Balanced Diet

2. Treatment of Cushing Syndrome:

a. Cushing syndrome caused by corticosteroid use:

Slowly decrease the drug dose (if possible) under medical supervision.

If you cannot stop taking the medication because of disease, your high blood sugar, high cholesterol levels, and bone thinning or osteoporosis should be closely monitored.

b. Cushing syndrome caused by a pituitary or a tumor that releases ACTH (Cushing's disease):

Surgery to remove the tumor

Radiation after removal of a pituitary tumor (in some cases)

You may need hydrocortisone (cortisol) replacement therapy after surgery, and possibly continued throughout your life

c. Cushing syndrome due to an adrenal tumor or other tumors:

Surgery to remove the tumor

If the tumor cannot be removed, medications to help block the release of cortisol

i. Anti-adrenal drug such as aminogluthemide

ii. Bilateral adrenalectomy

iii. Surgery to remove primary neoplasm in lungs or pancreas

3. Keep bones and body strong

Bone marrow produces our blood

Eat foods rich in calcium like yogurt, cheese, milk, and dark green vegetables.

Eat foods rich in Vitamin D, like eggs, fatty fish, cereal, and fortified milk.

Eat food rich in Vitamins B and C such as green vegetables and fruits

Zinc and other minerals are important to the body

4. Get enough rest and Sleep

Avoid stress and tension

5. Exercise and stay active.

It is best to do weight-bearing exercise such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or lifting weights for 2½ hours a week.

One way to do this is to be active 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week.

Begin slowly especially if a person has not been active.

6. Do not drink more than 2 alcohol drinks a day for a man or 1 alcohol drink a day for a woman.

Alcohol use also increases the chance of falling and breaking a bone.

Alcohol can affect the neurons and brain cells.

Alcohol can irritate the eye.

7. Stop or do not begin smoking.

It also interferes with blood supply and healing.

Chapter 1

Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing Syndrome is a disease that is caused by the exposure of the body to excessive quantities of glucocorticoids steroids.

Cushing syndrome is a disorder that occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol

It may also occur if you take too much cortisol or other steroid hormones

People of all ages are affected but more are seen in females between 30 to 50 years of age

Some people develop Cushing syndrome because their bodies produce too much cortisol, a hormone normally made in the adrenal gland

1. Cushing Disease - when the pituitary gland makes too much of the hormone ACTH

2. Adrenal tumors



1 Cushing Syndrome

2 More Facts about Cushing Synd


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