
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





Tug of War: Raising Teens In Our Seducti

Tug of War: Raising Teens In Our Seductive Society
Written in a Clear, Concise Format for All Adults: From Young to Time-Honored.

This volume is designed for couples ready to start a family; parents with families already rooted - regardless of being Single, Married or Separated. It addresses the contemporary issues of raising children in a modern world of excessive digital techno (computer, phone, text and video), cultural (media, social networks, celebrities and corporate) influences, family connections to (environment, structure, support) relationships as well as the fundamentals of behavior, boundaries and discipline.

Others that might use the clear-sightedness of this book are friends, neighbors and grand-parents. Teachers, Administrators, Psychologists, and other individuals in positions of influence and of authority. Any person that wishes to delve in to help find the solution to today's child-rearing problems of why children behave like they do, will walk-away with valuable insights to put into immediate practice.

Any adult wishing to understand the effects of the prevailing child-rearing and societal standards - to help neutralize the influences of society that are shaping our children’s perception of the real-world will find ways to make a life-long commitment and connection with their child readily benefit from this book.

A Straightforward, Refreshingly Honest Look at the Opportunities and Challenges that Face Parents in Raising Teenagers Today!

The Tug of War: Raising Teens in our Seductive Society frankly depicts the real values our children should have instilled in them, and debunks the empty and materialistic non-values of modern society for what they are.

Provides The Sense and Sensibilities to Help You Take Back Your Children from The Contemporary Issues Affecting Family.

This book shows parents how to regain structure and control in their households without children running wild. We distinguish that humans are deeply social creatures, and that collective influences can lead to certain types of behaviors. This manuscript offers intimate, socially-conscious solutions to those and many other problems.

About The Author.

Drawing upon his extensive backgrounds in business, psychology and motivational research, author Mark Guido brings unique and useful insights to the hard, but rewarding work of raising healthy, happy, and successful teens.

This Guide will Show You How To:

• Start a good behavior foundation in the early-years

• Create boundaries and discipline rules that your kids agree to

• Effectively promote enjoyable interests and creative hobbies

• Establish the basis of healthy self-esteem and good character building

• Teach self-control, responsibility and develop motivation to achieve maturity

• Initiate freedoms: knowing how and when – to cut the cord

You’ll Learn How To:

• Respond but not always react: Overcome knee-jerk responses

• Know when too many choices confuses them and “Less is More”

• Change habits by re-prioritizing the digital and ‘hurried’ world

• Form a firm foundation for you and your family’s happiness

• Develop a positive, respectful and rewarding relationship with your teen

• Create a life-long shared bond between you and your children

Start Teaching Your Children the Values You Always Wanted To:

Scroll up, click the buy button & get started today!,


2014年07月18日 06時 金曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>


Field Archaeologist’s Survival Guide: Ge

Field Archaeologist’s Survival Guide: Getting a Job and Working in Cultural Resource Management
Chris Webster’s handy, informative guide outlines what it take to become an archaeological technician, a field worker in cultural resource management (CRM) archaeology. Based on his popular blog feature, Shovelbums Guide, Webster offers young archaeologists useful advice about CRM work, including writing, cooking in hotel rooms, hand-mapping, surviving unemployment, life after archaeology, and more. It provides tools new CRM archaeologists need to get hired and to live life on the road in a fluctuating job market, as well as details on how to succeed as a field archaeologist. Appendices cover sample job hunting documents and checklists for fieldwork. If you will be pursuing a position in this dynamic, challenging field, this book is a must-read both before you apply for that first job and once you get one.


2014年07月18日 04時 金曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

デュヴェティカ|DUVETICA|ナイロンベスト ANCEO-637 【NTTフレッツ光】

デュヴェティカ|DUVETICA|ナイロンベスト ANCEO-637 【NTTフレッツ光】
■ Comment ■デュヴェティカ2012春夏定番ナイロンベストの登場です。コンパクトなボディが特徴的なシンプルデザイン。裏地にスウェットを採用しカジュアルな意匠と着心地の良さを兼ね備えた文句なしの逸品です!カシスの実のような落ち着いたネイビー系カラーで知的な印象に♪ ■ Detail ■ 商品番号 ANCEO 637 素材[表地]ポリアミド100%[裏地]コットン100%カラーブラックカラント仕様[フロント]ダブルジップ、サイドジップポケット×2、内ポケット×1裏地スウェット、裾・袖ゴム、ポケッタブル仕様 生産国 BULGARIA付属品商品タグ、カタログ■ Size ■ サイズ(cm) 肩幅 身幅 着丈 袖丈 44 39 44 58.5 - 46 40 46 615 - 48 41 48 62.5 - 50 42 49 63 - 52 43 51 65 - 54 45 55 67 - *サイズ表上の数値は、スタッフが計測した実寸値や一定のサイズ基準に基づいた表示を行っております。個体により、若干の誤差が生じる場合がございます。予めご理解くださいますようお願いいたします。*なるべく現物に近く再現するよう努めておりますが、お使いのモニターによっては色合いなど多少異なる場合もございます。イメージ違いによる返品・交換はお受けしておりませんので、ご不明な点がございましたらお問い合わせください。◆DUVETICA/デュヴェティカ フード付ナイロンベスト◆ANCEO 637

2014年07月18日 02時 金曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>


2014年07月18日 03時 金曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>


2014年07月18日 03時 金曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>