
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





至急!!英語が得意な方 Dear Seller am smith from C2014/08/20


至急!!英語が得意な方 Dear Seller am smith from Canada, indeed am very happy to let you knowthat i came accross your pasted item and am very attracted in buying this item formy Son who was studying in Africa N
至急!!英語が得意な方 Dear Seller am smith from Canada, indeed am very happy to let you knowthat i came accross your pasted item and am very attracted in buying this item formy Son who was studying in Africa N


2014年08月20日 17時 水曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>


Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols

Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols

Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols, Second Edition offers practical step-by-step guidance to managing emergency cases in small animal practice.  Presenting more than 165 complete protocols for triaging, stabilizing, and managing emergent patients, the book is designed for fast access in an emergency situation, with a spiral binding and tabs to make it easy to flip to the relevant section.  An ideal resource for veterinary practitioners seeking a quick reference for dog and cat emergencies, this Second Edition provides enhanced imaging information to increase the book’s diagnostic usefulness and full updates throughout.

Logically organized alphabetically by category of emergency, the book includes useful chapters on procedures, shock, toxicology, and trauma in addition to a procedures chapter.  Video clips, additional images, review questions, formula calculations, and quick reference guides are available on a companion website.  Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols, Second Edition provides a user-friendly daily reference for any small animal practitioner.


2014年08月20日 07時 水曜日feat. D.O ファイナル 続き>>

Jesus and the "G" Spot: Where Spirituali

Jesus and the "G" Spot: Where Spirituality and Sensuality come together as God intended.
Jesus and the “G” Spot...Where Spirituality and Sensuality come together as God intended, is a book, simply put...to remove the nasty from sex in the lives of people who live for God. I am a God-fearin, Jesus-lovin widow basing my opinions on education and a 42 year marriage where I learned to love God and my Adam! Same sex and premarital sex is not my biz-wax...a partner is a partner.


2014年08月20日 07時 水曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

LG 電子レンジ 60Hz用 MJ-60HL2 ジャンク(検 東芝

LG 電子レンジ 60Hz用 MJ-60HL2 ジャンク(検 東芝



Title:LG 電子レンジ 60Hz用 MJ-60HL2 ジャンク(検 東芝


2014年08月20日 05時 水曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>