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こちらへ→ Threads of The War, Volume III: Personal Truth-Inspired Flash-Fiction of The 20th Century's War (English Edition) Threads of The War, Volume III collects and shares personal narratives during real events across the span of The 20th Century's War. Building off of the success of Volumes I and II, Threads III takes us from the private study of the Kaiser in the summer of 1914, through the trench on the last day of World War I, across the frosty Icelandic landmass in 1940 into the hills of Korea in 1951. Within short easily-readable, yet emotionally compelling, bursts Threads III continues opening the door to the personal facet of war; exposing the reader to the facts, fictions, and fallacies of armed violence. Following each story, the reader is provided specific and revealing facts about the events narrated, offering both entertainment and education within the time it takes to read a blog-post. 【引用:ショップサイトより】