
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





ファイナルファンタジー ドラゴンクエスト等6冊

ファイナルファンタジー ドラゴンクエスト等6冊



Title:ファイナルファンタジー ドラゴンクエスト等6冊


2014年08月28日 21時 木曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>




This book is about ‘Total Customer Service’ .It applies to all types of organisations large and small, private or public .It considers the ongoing changing context and circumstances such as technology, social media and remote buying which influence the relationship between the selling organisation and the buying customer .It introduces ‘The Customer Service Hallmark’, a unique Customer Service Quality Standard and guiding implementation and benchmarking framework. It takes Customer Service beyond ‘Have a Nice Day ’and the obvious ‘Surface’ approaches to Customer Service. It positions Customer Service as having its roots in the cultural heart of the organisation. The book adopts a holistic view of organisations incorporating Organisation Development approaches to managing improvement interventions .It positions ‘Total Customer Service’ within and across all organisation functions and boundaries and includes a proactive stance to managing external environmental influences .The book provides reflective reading plus new and refreshed ideas, tools and models. The interesting presentation of the book takes the reader through the development of a practical methodology which guides, improves, sustains and maximises the provision of ‘Total Customer Service’ and organisation improvement.

Anyone who has an interest in ‘Total Customer Service’ and organisation performance improvement will find this book valuable and enjoyable. ‘Vision to Action’, ‘Sub System Synergy’ , ‘Hilltops’ ,’ERUDITE Leadership,’ ’Futuristic Thinking’ , ‘Competitive Integrity ‘ and ‘Triple E’ touch point management all contribute to Customer Service’ and are some of the innovative concepts included in this book.

The book brings together organisational capacity and capability and reflects a synergistic approach which promotes cross functional cooperation and harmony .The ‘Four Dimensions’ of the Customer Service Hallmark provide an integrated framework which positions ‘Total Customer Service’ as a coordinated strategic response to achieving organisation improvement and strategic intent.



2014年08月27日 23時 水曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

God Didn’t Have to Make the Crickets Sin

God Didn’t Have to Make the Crickets Sing: A Gripping True Story

Have you ever wondered about those crickets—you know, the little black insects that rub something together to make chirping sounds when it seems extra hot and sticky? I never did. Oh, sure, I heard their chirps in the evenings when I was trying to go to sleep, and I knew that it was part of the natural world. But there was no meaning beyond that—not until a wondrous moment when God used their melody to catch my attention. Even though I became a Christian at fourteen and loved the Lord Jesus Christ, I was heavily and passionately pursuing the American Dream with my husband—until it began self-destructing job by job.

What do you do when dream after dream in your life is destroyed—when there seems to be no stability or sanity? You fall apart, or at least I did. Time after time, my light turned to darkness and my hope was shattered. That was the point at which God wrote His beautiful melody and opened my heart so that I could hear it.

In a beautiful, but extremely painful way, God used this destruction to introduce me to a deeper, intimate relationship with Him when I heard the song—His song. Hopefully, you will hear it too.



2014年08月27日 22時 水曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

C1497/BMW純正1シリーズE87前期/後期 左リアエントランスカバー

C1497/BMW純正1シリーズE87前期/後期 左リアエントランスカバー



Title:C1497/BMW純正1シリーズE87前期/後期 左リアエントランスカバー


2014年08月27日 05時 水曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>