
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





An Emerald Earth: Cultivating a Natural

An Emerald Earth: Cultivating a Natural Spirituality and Serving Creative Beauty in Our World
An Emerald Earth celebrates a natural spirituality rooted in everyday life. Drawing upon the universal teachings of the Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan on the "natural self," this book calls us to clarify the mirror of the heart and to restore our deep connection with all of creation. It likens the unfolding of our being to the process of cultivating a field or garden to bring forth fruitfulness. Incorporating meditation practices, rich teaching stories and poetry from Sufi, Buddhist and other mystic traditions, An Emerald Earth affirms the infinite power of the heart, pointing the way to an uplifted world and a spirituality that is grounded in service to all of life.

"An Emerald Earth celebrates Sufi wisdom that, since its very beginning, has held the sacred green earth at its center. Today this wisdom guides us toward restoring ourselves and our relationship with the natural environment." -The Very Reverend James Parks Morton, pioneer in sacred ecology

The word “mysticism” often brings to mind suspicions of an obscure hobby having little or nothing to do with real life. What the reader of An Emerald Earth will discover, however, is exactly the reverse: a mystical orientation that

is accessible, relevant, and eminently natural. —Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Spiritual leader of the Sufi Order International


2014年08月29日 01時 金曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>



【輸入盤/輸入版】 6〜23日以内の発送 種別:CD カントリー・グラマーネリー 解説:ユニヴァーサルが勢力を挙げて売り出す注目のラッパー、ネリー! JAN:0601215774320 発売日:2000/06/27 登録日:2012/02/08 洋楽ソウル/R&B


2014年08月28日 23時 木曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

96220-40100 ホンダ純正 スーパーカブ ローラー 4×10

96220-40100 ホンダ純正 スーパーカブ ローラー 4×10
96220-40100 ホンダ純正 スーパーカブ ローラー 4×10です。【適合車種】スーパーカブ C50-N/P/S/V/X/Y/2 送料は、定形外郵便 全国一律240円です。(配達日時指定不可)佐川急便(関東500円)ご指定の場合のみ日時指定が可能となります。