
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





Memories of a Menace

Memories of a Menace
Memories of a Menace is a compilation of short stories starting from a trouble maker's adolescence in San Diego in the 1990's and and carrying on through the present day. Throughout his life he has traveled extensively, lived abroad in many diverse locations, worked various jobs, struggled with alcohol and substance abuse, met many amusing characters, and been in trouble with the law. His true passion is surfing. Currently, he is an English teacher and an owner and operator of a hostel in Taiwan for surfers and backpackers. Through his experiences and adventures he has collected a long list of interesting stories; many hilarious, some dangerous, some dark, and some all of the above


2014年09月06日 22時 土曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>


【アメリカドル紙幣】BILL TISSUE 紙ナプキン ビル・ティッシュ

【アメリカドル紙幣】BILL TISSUE 紙ナプキン ビル・ティッシュ



Title:【アメリカドル紙幣】BILL TISSUE 紙ナプキン ビル・ティッシュ


2014年09月06日 00時 土曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>