
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





緑の魔女 バス用洗剤 詰替用 360mL 【RCP】 【HLS_DU】

緑の魔女 バス用洗剤 詰替用 360mL 【RCP】 【HLS_DU】

The Trouble with Texas Cowboys (Burnt Bo

The Trouble with Texas Cowboys (Burnt Boot, Texas)

"Funny, frank, and full of heart." -USA Today Happy Ever After on One Hot Cowboy Wedding

Can a girl ever have too many cowboys?
No sooner does pint-sized spitfire Jill Cleary set foot on Fiddle Creek Ranch than she finds herself in the middle of a hundred-year-old feud. Quaid Brennan and Tyrell Gallagher are both tall, handsome, and rich...and both are courting Jill to within an inch of her life. She's doing her best to give these feuding ranchers equal time-too bad it's dark-eyed Sawyer O'Donnell who makes her blood boil and her hormones hum...

Praise for The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride:
"Another heartwarming read from the amazing Carolyn Brown...overflowing with romance and laughter." -Night Owl Reviews Reviewer Top Pick
"Will leave readers swooning and wishing they had their very own cowboy." -RT Book Reviews, 4 stars
"Another scrumptious, heartwarming story by author extraordinaire Carolyn Brown." -Romance Junkies


2014年09月23日 03時 火曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>

Qualy DESK BUNNY クオリー デスクバニー Scissors&Cl

Qualy DESK BUNNY クオリー デスクバニー Scissors&Clip Holder [ ブラック090025BK ] はさみ&クリップホルダー


2014年09月23日 02時 火曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>

SE.94 イヤリング - レンタルドレス、パーティードレスのレンタル、お呼ばれ

SE.94 イヤリング - レンタルドレス、パーティードレスのレンタル、お呼ばれのドレスのレンタルならパーティードレスモーダ楽天市場店
【レンタルドレス】【ドレスレンタル】【結婚式】【二次会】【謝恩会】【お呼ばれ】【デート】【ブランド】【パーティー】【パーティドレス】【イヤリング】 【レンタル】

Computer Concepts and C Programming: A H

Computer Concepts and C Programming: A Holistic Approach to Learning C,
This second edition of the book allows students to undertake a complete study of C, including the fundamental concepts, programming, problem solving, and the data structures. The book is also structured to provide a general introduction to computer concepts before undertaking a detailed treatment of the C programming language. To that end, the book is eminently suitable for the first-year engineering students of all branches, as per the prescribed syllabus of several universities, for a course on Computer Concepts and C Programming. Besides, the book fully caters to the needs of the students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in general streams such as computer science, information science, computer applications (BCA and MCA) and information technology.

Written in an engaging style, the book builds the students’ C programming skills by using a wide variety of easy-to-understand examples, illustrating along the way the development of programming constructs and logic for writing high-quality programs. The book also develops the concepts and theory of data structures in C, such as files, pointers, structures, and unions, using innumerable examples. The worked examples, in the form of programs and program segments, are illustrated with outputs of sample runs.

A chapter on Computer Graphics is provided to give the students a feel of how C language is used for display of graphics and animation. An exclusive chapter on advanced concepts such as enumerated data types, bitwise operators and storage classes is included in sufficient detail to help students progress to writing practical and real-world applications. Besides, a new chapter presents a “C” quiz comprising of 100 objective type questions that help readers to test their C skills.


2014年09月22日 21時 月曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>