14年09月28日 SONY MUSIC CONCERT -SONY FAIR @ TAIWAN 【DVD】 お届け目安:メーカー取寄せ 4〜7日以内の発送 倉庫B 種別:DVD 発売日:2009/01/21 収録:Disc.1/01.熱情的沙漠 Passionate Dessert/02.情非得已 心ならずも/03.Reflection|過完冬季|月光愛人#Reflection#過完冬季 After Winter’s Gone#月光愛人 Moon Lover/04.No Doubt/05.顯微鏡下的愛情 Love Under Microscope/06.那女孩對我説 She Told Me/07.哭笑不得 泣くに泣けず笑うに笑えず/08.零/09.笨小孩 Stupid Child/10.小姐這是我的名片 This is My Name Card/11.愛斯基摩 イヌイット/12.□不愛我 You Don’t Love Me/13.詩人的眼□ The Poet’s Tears/14.戀上一個人|一天一萬年#戀上一個人 In Love With The Other#一天一萬年 One Day Is Forever/15.想像十個□ Imagine Ten of You/16.我討厭我自己 I Hate Myself/17.曖昧|慶祝#曖昧 My Intuition#慶.... 販売元:ソニー・ミュージックディストリビューション カテゴリ_映像音楽ソフト_映像ソフト_DVDソフト_ミュージック_洋楽 登録日:2008/12/15 内容引用
→→→ Anne of Green Gables (Illustrated) Marilla Cuthbert and Matthew Cuthbert, middle-aged siblings who live together at Green Gables, a farm in Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, decide to adopt a boy from an orphan asylum in Nova Scotia as a helper on their farm. Through a series of mishaps, the person who ends up under their roof is a precocious girl of eleven named Anne Shirley. Anne is bright and quick, eager to please but dissatisfied with her name, her pale countenance dotted with freckles, and with her long braids of red hair. Being a child of imagination, however, Anne takes much joy in life, and adapts quickly, thriving in the environment of Prince Edward Island. 【引用キャッチコピー抜粋】