2016/04/12のアイテム Salivary Glands and Their Secretions: Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., August 1962 Salivary Glands and their Secretions covers the proceedings of the conference held at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. The book focuses on the structure and functions of secreting organs and the composition, mechanism, and control of secretions. The selection first reviews the comparative aspects of the structure and functions of the salivary glands; electron microscopy of induced changes in the salivary glands of rats; and the action of thyroid and adrenal glands on the submaxillary glands of mice. The book then takes a look at hormonal influences on the cytology and physiology of salivary glands and hormones and inanition. The book ponders on studies on the physiology of rat and mouse submaxillary glands and hormonal control of the nerve growth factor content in the submaxillary glands of mice. The text also examines central nervous representation of salivary secretion, secretory nerves of the salivary glands, and changes in salivary flow produced by variations in fluid and electrolyte balance. The selection is a valuable source of data for readers interested in the structure and functions of the salivary glands. 【引用:ショップサイトより】
ショッピング2016年04月12日 アップル iTunes Card 1500 あなたのiOSデバイスやコンピュータから、友だちや家族にiTunes CardやiTunesギフトを贈ってみませんか1。あなたが最近見つけた曲や、贈る相手がまだ観ていない隠れた名作映画など、あなたが選んだコンテンツを贈ることも、相手にiTunes Store2、App Store、iBooks、Mac App Storeから好きなものを選んでもらうこともできます。 To: Customer If you order goods in the morning you will get service in the afternoon If you order in the afternoon or night you will get service in the next day No service in the afternoon and night From: Markkung お客様へ 大変申し訳ございません。 もしお客様は朝からご注文したら、晩にサービスをします もしお客様は晩からご注文したら、次の日にサービスをします 晩と夜営業をしません ありがとうございます 宜しくお願いいたします Markkungから 【キャッチコピー抜粋】
2016年04月12日 Stresses in Layered Shells of Revolution (Developments in Civil Engineering) Shell structures are key components in a very wide range of engineering enterprises. The theory of layered shells of revolution under the quasistatic action of loading and temperature is the subject of this book. The shells treated here are in general of an asymmetric sandwich structure. A linear theory is developed which allows for a transition to shells with less layers, that is two-layered and homogeneous structures.
The first half of the book is concerned with orthotropic elastic shells. In particular, it includes the membrane theory of cylindrical, spherical and conical shells, and the bending theory of cylindrical shells, storage tanks and pressure-vessels. In each of the numerical examples considered, an attempt is made to map different regimes of structural behaviour.
The second half of the book is devoted to viscoelastic shells. First the time-invariant hereditary theory is presented, describing the response of viscoelastic materials. According to the correspondence principle of this theory the actual viscoelastic shell may be replaced by a conjugate elastic one. In this way many of the results from the first half of the book can be put to good use even for viscoelastic shells. The time-dependent material characteristics are taken into account by means of the time-temperature principle.
In an appendix (Part VI), the mathematical prerequisites are presented. With viscoelasticity comes the need to employ further mathematical disciplines; integral equations and integral transformations are usually encountered. Here, instead, a different concept has been chosen, the distributional concept of Laurent Schwartz, which allows many problems to be tackled in a simple formal way. In discussing the distribution theory, a level accessible to a technical reader has been maintained.
The book is intended as a textbook for students and teachers of structural and aeronautical engineering. The book will also appeal to a broad range of practising engineers working in areas of aeronautical, civil, and mechanical engineering, as well as to those working for firms dealing with shell structures.