
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





The Book Of Ruth: Beauty For Ashes, Joy

The Book Of Ruth: Beauty For Ashes, Joy for Mourning and Praise for Despair (English Edition)
The Book Of Ruth is a book that hosts an incredible story. There are so many valuable lessons in it that every human being on earth can glean from.

Life has its ups and downs and the way we respond to them can make or break us. The main character in the story had to make a choice. Only God could have given her the power to embark on an incredible journey. Pure grace enabled her to leave behind all she was accustomed to, her pagan beliefs and her family. She took a journey into the unknown and her story of unshakable faith is documented in this book. The Book of Ruth has been described as a 'small gem' and 'masterpiece'.We have people to learn from who have visibly gone through every-day struggles and problems and have come through as pure gold. Her life has been beautifully recorded for the living today, we are to imitate her faith. 'Where You Go, I shall Go" - Ruth Boaz


2015年01月19日 23時 月曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>