こちらへ→ Mysteries of Illumination (English Edition) ‘Mysteries of Illumination Secrets of Consciousness’, lifts the veil on some of the greatest deceptions corrupting Planet Earth. Our current understanding of consciousness has imprisoned people in the fourth dimension. People have been misguided for way to long about the fundamentals concerning consciousness (i.e., how to gradually raise their energies to escape from the fourth dimension). In this amazingly strange book I unveil mysteries of illuminating ones consciousness to ever higher levels of awareness. Today people are confronted by a megalithic machine designed to psychically vampire all their precious life force and energy (i.e. politics, business, economics, military industrialized complexes, tabloid media’s, transnational corporations, banking systems, legal and illegal narcotics, academic studies, religions, ad infinitum). Once you acquire the essential gnosis presented throughout this book you’ll be capable of using specific aspects of the system to your benefit.
You’ll be initiated into the ancient secrets the hybrids possess about Christianity and snapped out of the greatest reservoirs of psychic vampirism known on Planet Earth. You’ll also be able to use these teachings to psychically vampire the energies of others if you so desire. You’ll discover the Mysteries of Illumination (i.e., consciousness) encoded throughout Holy Bibles and finally be proven that literal orthodox preaching is controlled by the hybrid bloodline to oppress higher dimensional consciousness. Infrastructure Guardianship has hired clergy response teams that have been taught what to preach and how they should. Once you understand the hidden knowledge interwoven in the scripture (i.e., Mysteries of Illumination) you’ll have eyes to see and ears to hear! You’ll discern orthodox clergy members whether knowingly or unknowingly oppressing consciousness from expanding by teaching its literal teachings; which, deny: Extraterrestrials, Hybrid Human-Reptilian Bloodlines (Tribe of Israel), Quantum Mechanics, Magic & Occultism, Mysticism, Transcendence, Reincarnation, Buddhism, Hyper-dimensionality, etcetera… even though all these teachings are hidden therein from the profane!
People haven’t been entirely informed concerning the Laws of Attraction and Co-creation either. Of course, our conscious & subconscious plays a fundamental role in our manifestations, as well as our choices in the present moment and our higher genius. Yet, this is only half the battle. As difficult as it might be for people to maintain faithfulness in themselves and a balanced attitude the average transgenic chimp is still influenced and often controlled by higher dimensional forces. What’s been missing for so long is subtle energies, everything throughout society aims towards neutralizing, assassinating, and or crucifying people’s conscious awareness (i.e., energy) out of them. You find how to take precautions to more sufficiently manifest your dreams once you’re enlightened to the Secrets of the Invisible World. Often time’s people are psychically drained out of all the subtle energies needed to succeed in specific areas by others. Sometimes the psychic vampires are humans and sometimes they’re non-human entities appearing to be humans. In the Book of Ezekiel Chapter 8 verse 12 it says:
“Then he said to me son of man have you seen what the Elders of the House of Israel [hybrids] are doing in the dark [astral world], each in his room of pictures [imagination]? For they say the Lord does not see us, the Lord has forsaken the land.”
The dark the astral world or fifth dimension and Quantum Mechanics is the study of fifth dimensional phenomenon. A man’s room of pictures is his imagination and the advanced Meta-Knowledge featured in this book will change your life forever! 「記事引用」