2015/07/16の記事 アップル iTunes Card 1500 あなたのiOSデバイスやコンピュータから、友だちや家族にiTunes CardやiTunesギフトを贈ってみませんか1。あなたが最近見つけた曲や、贈る相手がまだ観ていない隠れた名作映画など、あなたが選んだコンテンツを贈ることも、相手にiTunes Store2、App Store、iBooks、Mac App Storeから好きなものを選んでもらうこともできます。 To: Customer If you order goods in the morning you will get service in the afternoon If you order in the afternoon or night you will get service in the next day No service in the afternoon and night From: Markkung お客様へ 大変申し訳ございません。 もしお客様は朝からご注文したら、晩にサービスをします もしお客様は晩からご注文したら、次の日にサービスをします 晩と夜営業をしません ありがとうございます 宜しくお願いいたします Markkungから 「キャッチコピー引用」
2015/07/16の記事 Onions (English Edition) Onions has just been sent to his 16th foster home, Despondent, he steals the purse of Sandrine, a retired circus performer. Instead of turning him in to the police, Sandrine enlists the boy in her fight against City Hall. In the process, Onions learns the importance of reading, having a worthwhile life-goal, and how to play the trumpet, his ultimate redemption. Sandrine is a strong role-model for pre-teens through 18-year-olds as she helps Charles Wesley Onions find meaning in life. A tragic event leads to the powerful, uplifting, and inspiring ending. Finally, Onions is a modern-day Holden Caulfield .. without the swearing. 「キャッチコピー引用」
こちらへ→ An English Grammar (English Edition) This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery. [ショップ情報引用]