15年07月30日 Powder Metallurgy: Science, Technology and Materials (English Edition) The Series in Metallurgy and Materials Science was initiated during the Diamond Jubilee of the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM). In the last decade the progress in the study and development of metallurgy and materials science has been rapid and extensive, giving us a whole new array of materials, with a wide range of applications, and a variety of techniques for both processing and characterising them. This book is the first textbook in the series.
Since the 1920s modern powder metallurgy has been used to produce a wide range of structural Powder Metallurgy (PM) components, self-lubricating bearings and cutting tools. The conventional method involves the production of metal powders, and manufacture of useful objects from such powders by die compaction and sintering. Wrought products are also produced by this route. Powder injection moulding permits the production of stronger, more uniform and more complex PM parts. A detailed discussion of PM materials and products is given in the book.
• Sintering has been elaborated in two chapters—Sintering theory and Sintering technology.
• Testing and Quality Control of PM Materials and Products, is not found in many PM books.
• Techno-economics of PM processing are also described in detail.
• Powder metallurgical aspects of both metallic and ceramic systems are treated equally.
• Materials handling at various stages of processing
• Pressureless powder shaping
• Functionally graded materials
• Powder Metallurgy material code
• New approach
• - Pyrophoricity and toxicity in Chapter 3
• - Nanostructured materials and the electronic theory of sintering in chapter 7
• For powder metallurgical engineers
• - Various kinds of actual testing and quality control methods in Chapter 11
• - ceramics materials in Chapter 12
• - Wide range of practically applied parts in Chapter 13
The book is based on the experience of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students over several years. It serves as a textbook (both for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in engineering) and also as a handy reference book for engineers in the PM industry. In order to aid and broaden the problem-solving capability of students, worked examples are included in each chapter. In the end of chapter exercises, a variety of questions and problems are included. 【本文抜粋】
こちらへ→ 【輸入盤】MARIAH CAREY マライア・キャリー/MEMOIRS OF AN IMPERFECT ANGEL(CD) 【輸入盤/輸入版】 1〜3日以内の発送(土日祝除く) 在庫:少 種別:CD メモワール・オブ・アン・インパーフェクト・エンジェルマライア・キャリー 解説:”新たな歴史をつくるのはMariah!全世界でのアルバム売上げが1億6千万枚を超えるMariah Careyの約1年半振り、通算12作目のスタジオ・レコーディング・アルバム!恋と愛の歌が満載です!ファースト・シングル、”Obsessed”!MariahがThe-DreamとTricky Stewartのヒットメイカーと組んだキラー・チューン!ビデオではMariahが男装し話題となっている。セカンド・シングルも決定!ロック・バンド、Foreignerが1985年に放った全米&全英No.1ヒット曲、”I Wanna Know What Love Is”のカヴァー!初回生産分パッケージ: ソフトパック仕様。世界的に有名な雑誌「ELLE」(US版)全面監修による36ページに及ぶ””Elle Magazine””ブックレット付。Mariahののプライベー 内容:1. Betcha Gon’ Know (The Prologue)2. Obsessed3. H.A.T.E.U.4. Candy Bling5. Ribbon6. Inseparable7. Standing O8. It’s a Wrap9. Up Out My Face10. Up Out My Face (... JAN:0602527204628 発売日:2009/09/29 登録日:2012/02/08 洋楽ソウル/R&B キャッチコピー引用
And it all started so well for Marnie Walker at her beautiful canalside home, with a growing business, a settled relationship with Ralph and the company of her close friend and colleague, Anne with an ‘e’. There would be outings on her narrowboat, Sally Ann. She would be helping a summer playscheme for local children. There was even the offer of an exciting new project in Italy. A golden summer full of promise stretched ahead.
But would that promise be fulfilled? Change is in the air. Disturbing forces are on the move, bringing mayhem to the streets of neighbouring cities and threatening the community. A new colleague comes to join the firm to handle the Italian job, with a handsome lover in tow. A charismatic politician arrives in the area, whipping up uncomfortable feelings and prejudices. The long hot summer becomes explosive.
In the middle of all this, a strange boat arrives, unlike any they have seen before. It soon becomes clear that its owner has a mysterious and possibly sinister past, and they begin to wonder if he is involved in the troubles erupting around them.
Riots, bombings, street battles and inexplicable murders follow each other in rapid succession to make this a long hot summer that Marnie and her friends will never forget. Especially Anne.
And as usual the questions that have been hanging over them all are not finally resolved until the last page.
The questions are beginning to come up from your child. It’s inconvenient. It’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. You know the ones – “What is that?” “How are babies born?” “What is sex?” The “birds and the bees” talk may often be made a joke on television shows, but the knowledge that children need isn’t a joke. Sex is an important part of being human. Sex involves more than the physical act of intercourse with another person: it affects how we feel about ourselves and impacts important choices we make. And when the task is at hand to help your children understand, just the idea of that conversation can be overwhelming if you don’t understand their questions, they’ll go looking for the answers wherever they can – and often in all the wrong places.
Learning about sexuality is a normal part of child development. Answering your child's questions in an honest, age-appropriate way is the best strategy. The pamphlet “Parenting- The Sex Talk” will help you begin. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to deliver “The Talk” to your teen and help them make informed decisions and opinions about sex and sexuality.
Many children have grown up ashamed in their own sexuality, you have the chance to stop a vicious cycle.
By making sure that they know what sex and sexuality is, you will be able to help them prepare for the time when people around them talk about these topics. This book will help you with what language and topics to focus on, whether you are trying to give “the talk” to your teen or you child. This will help make sure that they understand how to protect themselves and their future.Pretending that these issues don’t exist is like sending your child out to the sea without teaching them to swim. Perhaps they’ll learn on their own, but it’s only increasing the chance that they drown. After all, research says that teens can be more sexually active than their parents may think, and by the time teens hit their 19th birthday, seven out of ten of them had already participated in sexual acts. Make sure that whatever your child chooses, they understand exactly what they are doing and where they can get help.
Click the 'BUY NOW' Button
to begin reading Parenting- The Sex Talk and Start protecting your child! Don’t delay. The stakes are too high on this one! 「記事引用」