
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





Squadron Supreme (2015-) #1

Squadron Supreme (2015-) #1
They're each the sole survivor of a lost Earth and they'll do anything to protect this one, whether you like it or not. The Squadron Supreme- comprising Hyperion (Avengers), Nighthawk (Supreme Power), Dr. Spectrum (the Great Society), Blur (DP7) and Power Princess- are a team that doesn't ask permission or what the rules are. To them all that matters is the safety of Earth and if you stand in the way...that's your problem! Tell that to the Squadron's first target Namor, destroyer of Dr. Spectrum's homeworld, who will have to pay for his crimes...but at what cost to the people of Atlantis?


2015年12月17日 23時 木曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>


Squadron Supreme (2015-) #1

Squadron Supreme (2015-) #1
They're each the sole survivor of a lost Earth and they'll do anything to protect this one, whether you like it or not. The Squadron Supreme- comprising Hyperion (Avengers), Nighthawk (Supreme Power), Dr. Spectrum (the Great Society), Blur (DP7) and Power Princess- are a team that doesn't ask permission or what the rules are. To them all that matters is the safety of Earth and if you stand in the way...that's your problem! Tell that to the Squadron's first target Namor, destroyer of Dr. Spectrum's homeworld, who will have to pay for his crimes...but at what cost to the people of Atlantis?


2015年12月17日 23時 木曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>





2015年12月17日 10時 木曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

Years 6-8 Maths For Students

Years 6-8 Maths For Students
Your tutor in a book! Master the essential mathematical skills for success!

'I don't know how to do this' is a refrain heard whilst many a student is doing homework. Parents are increasingly called on for assistance, but are themselves struggling to help their children. Years 6-8 Maths For Students is a reference guide for both students and parents, aiming to fill the gaps in a student's knowledge base, build confidence and reduce stress.

Written with the same friendly, how-to approach of the successful For Dummies books, this new educational reference will empower students and develop their mathematical skills for exams, NAPLAN testing and, most importantly, life beyond secondary school. With worries that students are being taught to pass tests at the expense of understanding — this guide will help students cement their mathematical foundations. 

  • Grasp the nuts and bolts of numbers, algebra, geometry and measurement
  • Helps students with maths as they transition from primary to secondary school
  • Complete homework and prepare for tests with confidence

Save money on expensive tutors. Years 6-8 Maths For Students empowers students to improve their educational outcomes.


2015年12月17日 10時 木曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>