2016年01月21日 Short Cruises This early work by William Wymark Jacobs was originally published in 1906 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. 'Short Cruises' is a collection of short stories that contains tales such as 'The Changeling', 'His Lordship' and 'The Dreamer'. Jacobs worked as a clerk in the civil service before turning to writing in his late twenties, publishing his first short story in 1895. Most of Jacobs' work appeared before the onset of World War I, and although the majority of his output was humorous in tone, he is best-remembered now for his macabre tales, particularly those contained in his 1902 collection The Lady of the Barge, such as 'The Monkey's Paw' and 'The Toll House'. 「キャッチコピー引用」
Pelvic inflammatory disease is a medical inflammatory disorder of the upper female genital system, such as infected uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and tissues surrounding the reproductive organs.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is normally an infection caused by bacteria and from some sexually transmitted infections especially gonorrhea and chlamydia.
The fallopian tubes and ovaries and tissues surrounding the uterus are the most frequent organs damaged.
If bacteria from the vagina or cervix travel to the womb, fallopian tubes, or ovaries they can cause an infection.
Most frequently, PID is produced by the bacteria, chlamydia and gonorrhea.
These are sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Unprotected intercourse with a partner who has an STI can induce PID.
Bacteria can also enter the body during a medical procedure such as:
1. Childbirth
2. Endometrial biopsy (removing a small piece of the womb lining to test for cancer)
3. Getting an intrauterine device (IUD)
4. Miscarriage
5. Abortion
In the U.S.A nearly 1 million women have PID each year.
About 12.5% of sexually active girls will develop PID before the age of 20.
A woman is more likely to get PID if she has:
1. A male sex partner with gonorrhea or chlamydia.
2. Sex with many different people.
3. An STI in the past.
4. Recently had PID.
5. Recently gotten an IUD.
6. Sex before age 20.
Sexually active women in their childbearing years tend to get PID.
Women under age 25 tend to develop PID than those who are older than 25 years.
The cervix of young women is not fully formed, and more susceptible to be infected by STI.
Vaginal douches in women alter the vaginal bacteria flora in unhealthy ways, and can also push bacteria into the upper genital system from the vagina.
Women having an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted has a higher risk of PID compared with women who are making use of other contraceptives or no contraceptive at all.
What are the Symptoms of PID?
Common symptoms of PID are:
1. Pain or tenderness in the pelvis, lower abdomen, or lower back
2. Fever
3. Fluid from the vagina that has an abnormal smell, texture, or color.
Other symptoms that may happen with PID are:
1. Bleeding from vagina after sex intercourse
2. Feeling cold
3. Being very tired
4. Pain urination
5. Having to urinate often
6. Period cramps that hurt more than usual or last longer than usual
7. Irregular menstrual bleeding (Unusual bleeding or spotting during the period)
8. Not feeling hungry
9. Nausea
10. Vomiting
11. Skipping the period
12. Pain during sexual intercourse
13. Pain in the right upper abdomen (rare).
A woman can have PID and not have any symptoms.
Chlamydia can produce PID without symptoms.
The women who have an ectopic pregnancy or who are infertile frequently have PID caused by chlamydia.
An ectopic pregnancy happens when an egg grows outside of the uterus.
It places the mother's life in danger.
Women whose PID is caused by chlamydial infection have very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all while serious injury is being done to her reproductive organs.
Most patients of PID are not diagnosed about 66% of the time.
How is PID diagnosed?
Because the symptoms are frequently subtle and mild, most cases of PID go unnoticed.
1. Lower abdominal pain
2. Abnormal vaginal or cervical discharge,
3. Signs of gonorrheal or chlamydial infection.
Diagnosis is usually based on clinical findings:
The doctor may do a pelvic examination to look for:
1. Bleeding from the cervix (the cervix is the opening to the uterus.)
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