
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」


The Art Shop Salesman: Gay Male Erotica

The Art Shop Salesman: Gay Male Erotica Daily Release Series (High Street Hunger)
Matt thought his drink with Carrie was just a simple friendly catch up, but then he finds she's in matchmaking mode and wants to set him up with his new colleague, Brad. Matt is further surprised to find that Brad is actually moonlighting as a waiter in the bar they're in - and his shift just finished.

Surprise quickly turns to horror as Carrie uses the once in a lifetime opportunity to blatantly match them, with Matt desperately trying to kick Carrie under the table to stop her.

When Carrie goes outside, Matt is relieved to find that Brad is actually into him. Not only that, Brad was quite happy with Carrie's matchmaking skills as it save him some time.

And it meant that soon Matt was also relieved in other ways...

About the High Street Hunger Daily Release Series

The weekday series explores the lives of individual young men as they find love and fulfill their desires in the city.

To keep the stories fresh, interesting and as original as possible, we have multiple authors contributing to the series - so you'll be able to enjoy many different happy ending writing styles!

Look out for new releases every weekday. Search for: High Street Hunger.


2014年07月14日 17時 月曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>