
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」


Science Fiction Fantasy Transport 34

Science Fiction Fantasy Transport 34
Detour by Tamara Narayan

Running away from an abusive relationship, Chloe starts for the safety of home and runs out of gas along the way. The rest of us would have responded to the music that signals "don't go there", but Cloe, desperate to escape her life, continues on. What unfolds is as deep and as dangerous as a sink hole. Check Tammy's latest short story and be prepared to yell, "Don't do that! Can't you hear the music?"

The Passing of Richard Quinn by Jeroen van Baardwijk

A seemingly innocent birth, guardians that never introduce themselves, a ghost that haunts a castle, an innocent child becomes the pawn to solve a century's old murder. This is Jeroen's first submission to Wormhole. Based on the quality of the work, we're hoping it isn't the last.

Other Science Fiction Fantasy Transports are available through Amazon under Science Fiction Fantasy Transport.... ( put in a number between 1 and 33!)

Check our website for fantastic books that are also available!


A theoretical short cut through time and space

Wormhole Electric.com:

A series of stories that disconnects you the reader from your current time/space continuum and transports you beyond your daily pursuits to another time, another space of reality.

We are science fiction fantasy pulp: something that explodes in your face, dominates your thoughts as you pull with the hero through the villainy, the deceit, the rawness, the heart break; and like the hero, at the end of the story you want more. For a moment that glint in the hero’s eye is yours, his nod of definitiveness is your nod.

Our mission is to distract you, to suspend your disbelief; to entertain and provide a respite from the busy-ness of your everyday; to help you dream of adventures; to involve you in wonders and mysteries; to help you take leaps of thought and land safely on the other side.

In this book, join our authors as we present our first standalone short just science fiction novel anthology.

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2014年09月22日 20時 月曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>