Propose Your Book: How to Craft Persuasive Proposals for Nonfiction, Fiction, and Children's Books
Authors are the CEOs of their books, and their book proposals are their business plans. Most agents and publishers require a proposal before ever setting eyes on a manuscript, and it is a crucial element in getting published. Writing a proposal can also help an author to write the right book for the right audience, and to more successfully pitch a book to the right agent or publisher. Propose Your Book offers a clear understanding of the book proposal process in today’s fiercely competitive publishing climate. It includes:
The most up-to-date concepts in writing a book proposal
Insider tips from the agents and publishers
Examples of actual proposals from publishers’ files
Covering proposals for nonfiction, fiction, and children’s books, Patricia Fry provides a hands-on approach from an experienced writer’s perspective. Propose Your Book, enriched with innovative and tried-and-true strategies, is a complete guide to perfecting contemporary proposals that will sell writers’ books.

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