
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」


Pediatrics: Allergic Rhinitis/Asthma (Au

Pediatrics: Allergic Rhinitis/Asthma (Audio-Digest Foundation Pediatrics Continuing Medical Education (CME).)
Purpose: Audio-Digest Foundation CME/CE activities are designed to provide its learners – physicians and other healthcare professionals – with continuing education that will help identify clinical problems in their practice settings, provide content to help to solve those problems, and increase their application of knowledge to practice.

Audio-Digest Pediatrics is specifically designed to provide the participant with state-of-the-art information, including, but not limited to, the diagnosis and management of:

Allergy & seasonal concerns

Cardiopulmonary disease

Dermatologic problems

Cancer in children and adolescents


Gastrointestinal problems

Genetic concerns

Hearing impairment

Infectious disease

Neurologic problems

Newborn screening

Nutritional concerns

Psychosocial issues

Respiratory disease

Sports injuries

Urologic disease

Visual impairment


2014年06月18日 22時 水曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>