
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」


Moving and Resting in God's Desire: A Sp

Moving and Resting in God's Desire: A Spirituality of Peace

There is a great increase in quests for peace in our time, and for good reason. Violence seems also to be on the increase, intensifying the need to understand violence and find peaceful alternatives. Most distressing is the violence inspired by religion although each of these religions teach peace. The odd thing about all this is that most people claim they believe in peace and want peace, and peace is the very thing that eludes us much of the time. Why do we fail to get what we want?

With the help of the Gospel, René Girard’s insights, and soundings in the fundamental practices of Christian spirituality, Moving and Resting in God’s Desire: A Spirituality of Peace examines how human desires are shared among us in complicated ways. Special attention is paid to ways shared desires lead to violence and how we can  overcome it by allowing ourselves to be strengthened by God’s desire as shown us in the Forgiving Victim who rose from the dead. A powerful path towards spiritual renewal.


2016年04月29日 09時 金曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>