
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」


Business Partnering and the Role of IT:

Business Partnering and the Role of IT: Stories of change in the IT Function of world class companies
This book follows up the author’s previous work on Business Partnering in the Finance Function by exploring the progress made by top companies in developing the partnering skills of IT managers. The topic is covered from the same complementary angles - the experience of the author and his colleagues in developing learning programmes of world class companies and focused research into their practices.

The book starts by examining the way in which IT has developed as a business function and the key success factors for IT Business Partners who deliver the right level of support to their colleagues. There are then two chapters on the behavioural and business skills required, followed by the importance of understanding and communicating the value provided. The last two chapters contain practical examples of the development of IT Business Partners, including one detailed case study and interviews on key issues and initiatives with senior IT Managers from a range of international companies.

2014年09月12日 01時 金曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>