2014/09/14のアイテム Anxiety Management And Stress Relief: An In Depth Guide On How To Overcome Anxiety, Stress, And Depression In Your Life Everyone has stress in their lives. It comes in an endless amount of shapes and sizes but it is always there. However, it is our response to this stress that determines whether it is harmful or rewarding. If your response to stress is appropriate it can propel you into a “zone” and spur peak performance and well-being. If it is inappropriate and you experience stress overload it can be extremely harmful to you physically and mentally.
In extreme cases, stress overload can lead to chronic illness such as anxiety or depression. So how do you get the benefits and avoid the harmful effects of stress? By identifying it and properly managing your response to it. In his book entitled Anxiety Management and Stress Relief author David Green provides an in depth guide on how to overcome anxiety, stress and depression in your life.
The following topics are covered in this book:
• How to identify the sources of stress in your life
• The symptoms of stress
• The symptoms of anxiety
• The symptoms of depression
• How to identify the triggers in your life that cause episodes of anxiety, depression, or stress overload.
• The difference between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms
• How to build healthy coping mechanisms that fit your own unique situation
• Extra tips and advice for managing your anxiety or depression
• How your physical health is connected to your mental health
• Foods and exercises that can decrease stress and minimize the symptoms of depression and anxiety
• Information about other options available when managing your anxiety or depression alone becomes too difficult
And Much Much More......
Tags: Anxiety, Anxiety management, Worries, Stop worrying, Increased lifespan, Stress management,Tension, Emotions, Control emotions, Stay calm, Calm mind, manage stress, reduce stress,stress relief, anxiety relief, depression, overcoming depression, how to manage depression, get rid of depression, coping with stress, coping with depression, coping with anxiety,stress reduction, stress management techniques, depression cure, depression self help, depression books, anxiety disorder, anxiety free, stress free, depression free, social anxiety,anxiety and phobias, worry free