
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」


Ancient Memories (Harlan Wolf Series)

Ancient Memories (Harlan Wolf Series)
Imagine your wildest terror, a ghost from your past has found your piece of paradise and thrusts herself into your idyllic life. You know she intends to murder you. Your young teenage daughter is drawn into your nightmare, affected by the dark evil that changes both your lives. People around you are murdered, but you know you are the ultimate victim. Just when you don't believe you can take anymore, you find yourself a suspect in the murders. The investigation to prove your guilt rips your life apart. It tears apart your very soul, peels away one layer at a time until all that is left is an ancient memory that rips the happiness out of your life, dashes it against the rocks scattered in the sands of time, and washes your peace away, much as the sand on the seashore is washed away into the bottom of the sea and lost forever.


2014年07月14日 13時 月曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>