A Ladder: A Futuristic and Iconoclastic Novella 未選択 2014年05月19日 ショッピング2014年05月19日A Ladder: A Futuristic and Iconoclastic NovellaThis is not Star Trek.Roger Ames finds himself in a world so foreign that he must beconditioned—he must be reeducated—just to live in it. For Roger,time takes a holiday. His old perceptions are turned upside down,downside up, and sideways.Roger Ames is the alien.He does not fit in. He is the outsider. Roger is like Alice at theMad Hatter’s tea party, where up is down and down is up.Yes, it is a shocker.And, it’s about the ladder.「キャッチコピー引用」2014年05月19日 01時 月曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>PR