
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





花とゆめCOMICS 猛スピードで彼らは 山本修世 白泉社 Used

花とゆめCOMICS 猛スピードで彼らは 山本修世 白泉社 Used



Title:花とゆめCOMICS 猛スピードで彼らは 山本修世 白泉社 Used


2016年03月22日 09時 火曜日feat. D.O ジェニシス 続き>>

Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight B

Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3) (English Edition)
A chance photograph sends Mark Blakefield to Vermont to find something he lost and didn't know about. He has a son. He also has a way to find the woman he fell in love during his last year of college. Her disappearance when he went to pick her up for dinner puzzles him. Though he searched for Christa Parsons for months and never found her. The photograph taken by one of his writers for Good Travelin' shows an inn in Vermont. He rushes off to solve the mystery and claim his son.

Christa Sommers runs the family inn left to her by her mother. Besides making the inn successful, she is raising her nine year old son, Davy. She has to deal with her younger, selfish half-sisters and she has reached the end point of her patience with them.

When Mark arrives she is stunned. Now she has to explain who she never told him about Davy. Part of the reason was her attempts to find him were foiled by a secretary and the other was being swamped by work. One sight and she fears falling in love with him or losing custody of her son.

Can Mark figure why he was looking for someone with the wrong name? Can he persuade Christa he has loved her for all those years and convince her to share her life and her son with him?


2016年03月22日 03時 火曜日feat. D.O Genisys 続き>>

497■LP■ピエール・バルー/le pollen Pierre Barouh YF-7056

497■LP■ピエール・バルー/le pollen Pierre Barouh YF-7056



Title:497■LP■ピエール・バルー/le pollen Pierre Barouh YF-7056


2016年03月21日 21時 月曜日feat. D.O ジェネシス 続き>>