
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





Asset Management: A Systematic Approach

Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series)
In Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing, Professor Andrew Ang presents a comprehensive, new approach to the age-old problem of where to put your money. Years of experience as a finance professor and a consultant have led him to see that what matters aren't asset class labels, but instead the bundles of overlapping risks they represent. Factor risks must be the focus of our attention if we are to weather market turmoil and receive the rewards that come with doing so.
Clearly written yet full of the latest research and data, Asset Management is indispensable reading for trustees, professional money managers, smart private investors, and business students who want to understand the economics behind factor risk premiums, to harvest them efficiently in their portfolios, and to embark on the search for true alpha.


2015年01月03日 02時 土曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>


Asset Management: A Systematic Approach

Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series)
In Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing, Professor Andrew Ang presents a comprehensive, new approach to the age-old problem of where to put your money. Years of experience as a finance professor and a consultant have led him to see that what matters aren't asset class labels, but instead the bundles of overlapping risks they represent. Factor risks must be the focus of our attention if we are to weather market turmoil and receive the rewards that come with doing so.
Clearly written yet full of the latest research and data, Asset Management is indispensable reading for trustees, professional money managers, smart private investors, and business students who want to understand the economics behind factor risk premiums, to harvest them efficiently in their portfolios, and to embark on the search for true alpha.


2015年01月03日 02時 土曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>

信じられません!お年玉でたった7万円しかくれないなんてひどいですよね? おはよう2015/01/02


信じられません!お年玉でたった7万円しかくれないなんてひどいですよね? おはようございます、新年早々気分が悪いです。身内にも友達にも質問できないのでここで話します。お年玉でたった7万円しかもらえませんでした。親はいったい僕に何の恨みがあるのでしょう?
信じられません!お年玉でたった7万円しかくれないなんてひどいですよね? おはようございます、新年早々気分が悪いです。身内にも友達にも質問できないのでここで話します。お年玉でたった7万円しかもらえませんでした。親はいったい僕に何の恨みがあるのでしょう?

OV:信じられません!お年玉でたった7万円しかくれないなんてひどいですよね? おはようございます、新年早々気分が悪いです。身内にも友達にも質問できないのでここで話します。お年玉でたった7万円しかもらえませんでした。親はいったい僕に何の恨みがあるのでしょう?



2015年01月02日 09時 金曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>

スマイルキッズ ひざのせトレー ACT-101 ブラック【smtb-s】

スマイルキッズ ひざのせトレー ACT-101 ブラック【smtb-s】
 メーカー スマイルキッズ 商品カテゴリ ※生活雑貨(他) 発送目安 1日〜2日以内に発送予定(土日祝除) お支払方法 銀行振込・クレジットカード 送料 送料無料(沖縄・離島除く) 特記事項  その他 