
ファン専用まとめブログ「リローデッド D.O」





Geographic Information Systems for the S

Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences: Investigating Space and Place
Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences: Investigating Space and Place is the first book to take a cutting-edge approach to integrating spatial concepts into the social sciences. In this text, authors Steven J. Steinberg and Sheila L. Steinberg simplify GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for practitioners and students in the social sciences through the use of examples and actual program exercises so that they can become comfortable incorporating this research tool into their repertoire and scope of interest. The authors provide learning objectives for each chapter, chapter summaries, links to relevant Web sites, as well as suggestions for student research projects. 


2015年08月07日 02時 金曜日feat. D.O Reloaded 続き>>


『中古即納』{TCG}遊戯王 CORE-JP038N アロマポット(20150425)

『中古即納』{TCG}遊戯王 CORE-JP038N アロマポット(20150425)
■タイトル:遊戯王 CORE-JP038N アロマポット ■機種:遊戯王 ■発売日:2015/04/25 ■メーカー品番:CORE-JP038 ■収録:クラッシュ・オブ・リべリオン[CLASH OF REBELLIONS] ■レアリティ:ノーマル 【岩石族 リバーズ/効果】風属性 攻500/守400/ ■コメント: ★必ずご確認ください★※商品化の際に状態確認を行っており基本的に良品のみ出品させて頂いておりますが、出荷時の再検品にてキズ等が見つかった場合、ご購入に関するご確認連絡やキャンセル等の対応をさせていただく場合がございます。稀にスリーブ越しにはわからないような極少のキズがある場合がございます。以上をご了承の上、是非ご検討くださいませ。


2015年08月07日 00時 金曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching

Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners (English Edition)
In classrooms across the country, teachers are encountering more children who are learning English, come from diverse backgrounds, and who speak a variety of languages. As challenging as this may be, a preschool teacher’s goal remains the same: to welcome all children and give them the best possible start in education and in life. Even the most experienced teacher can feel a bit unsure about meeting the unique needs of children from different language backgrounds. Many Languages, One Classroom applies the latest information about best practices to all aspects of a preschool program. From using lists of key words and visual aids to using body language and gestures, the strategies you will find in this book are adaptable and easy to put into practice. Designed to fit any preschool curriculum, Many Languages, One Classroom addresses state standards and benchmarks of standard quality programming. Organized by interest areas and times of the day, you’ll find everything you need to help English language learners during dramatic play, outdoor play, reading, science, blocks, and circle time.


2015年08月06日 22時 木曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>