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トゥースブラシスタンドハウス 山崎実業(ホワイト/ピンク/ブルー/グリーン)

トゥースブラシスタンドハウス 山崎実業(ホワイト/ピンク/ブルー/グリーン)
Toothbrush stand House(トゥースブラシスタンドハウス)YAMAZAKI (山崎実業)全4色(ホワイト/ピンク/ブルー/グリーン) 髭剃りや歯ブラシをかわいく収納♪Toothbrush stand「ハウス」と「メゾン」は、かわいいデザインとビビッドカラーがサニタリースペースを明るく華やかに演出いたします。シリコン樹脂素材でお手入れも簡単、落としても壊れたり、傷がつかないので、お子様にも安心してご使用いただけます。カラーは、ホワイト/ピンク/ブルー/グリーンの4色からお選びいただけますので、ご家族でお好みのカラー、お好みの形状で並べてご使用いただいてもかわいいですね。ちょっとしたプレゼントにも喜ばれるおしゃれな便利グッズです。 ■サイズ:W35×D35×H45mm ■材質 :シリコン樹脂 ■バリエーション:ホワイト/ピンク/ブルー/グリーン ■納期 :5日から10日程度 ■送料 :600円 ※一部地域を除く


2016年01月20日 13時 水曜日feat. D.O Genesis 続き>>

Parenting Box Set: The Ultimate Guides T

Parenting Box Set: The Ultimate Guides To Stress Free Results In 3 Days or Even Faster. The Best Creative Learning Games & Activities For Your Toddler ... Potty Training Books) (English Edition)

BOOK #1: Potty Training In 3 Days: The Ultimate Guide To Stress Free Potty Training Results In 3 Days or Less

This immersive book as entitled with “potty training” is the ultimate guide for giving your baby the right potty training within 3 days or less. This enchanting book is wholly based on scientific evidences and evaluations regarding potty training. With the gradual progression of this book you will find the astounding ideas about the right potty training.

The notion on which this incredibly logistic book is based is “bad potty training can lead to destructive behavior and week personality of the child”. The book is well researched and is free from any sort of ambiguities. You can use this book as a clear guide of giving potty training to your child.

BOOK #2: Potty Training In 3 Days: Proven Potty Training Guide To Stress Free Results In 3 Days or Even Faster

Helping your child to learn how to use go to the bathroom and be out of diapers forever is something every parent struggles with and looks forward to. Prices of diapers are only increasing. Potty Training in Three Days: Proven Potty Training Guide To Stress Free Results in 3 Days or Even Faster gives you the information needed to help your child achieve this milestone in their life and for your household to become diaper free.

BOOK #3: Potty Training: The Fun and Stress-Free Potty Training System. Potty Train your Child in 1-3 days.

This book is a valuable guide, for parents who are planning the stages of potty training for their child. It shows how potty training is not about parents making up the rules, but about how parents are recognizing the signs that their child is ready to take on this major hurdle.

It highlights many important aspects like:
  • Average ages for potty training
  • Signs to look for
  • Different types of equipment
  • Planning the new routine
  • Problems that may arise

BOOK #4: Baby Sleep: 8 Simple Steps to Have Your Baby Sleeping Through The Night

Helping your baby sleep through the night isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it can be done, and with a few hard nights, you can make it happen. By teaching your baby how to fall asleep on his or her own, you will thank yourself for years to come that you put in a little bit of effort in the beginning. We’ll talk about the essentials of all the things in your baby’s life that contribute to his or her sleeping schedule, because things like eating and bedtime routines all affect how well and how long your baby sleeps.

BOOK #5: Toddler Learning Games: The Best Creative Learning Games & Activities For Your Toddler

The education of our young ones is one of the most important things we can offer them as parents. We want to ensure that they are growing and developing on track and in the way that they should. As you watch your children grow, you want to do everything you can to help them be successful in the world. Part of helping them be successful is giving them both a head start and the ability to be prepared for their formal education.

BOOK #6: Toddler Learning Games: 23 Innovative Toddler Learning Games, Activities and Toys

Are you ready to help your child get ready for kindergarten? Maybe you're just looking for a fun way to play learning games with your child. If so, then this ebook is for you.

Kindergarten requires more of our young children than ever. So, it is important that you help your child have an extra edge for learning. These fun games and crafts can be modified to teach new skills!

Getting Your FREE Bonus

Download this book, and find "BONUS: Your FREE Gift" chapter right after the introduction or after the conclusion.

Download your copy of "Parenting Box Set" by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now With 1-Click" button.


2016年01月20日 10時 水曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

Heater Vol. 03 No. 08 (English Edition)

Heater Vol. 03 No. 08 (English Edition)
Best Left Buried

Sam Tovey

Malice Aforethought

Paul Knobloch

The Looker

Brent File


Robert Mammone

Lucky Wishbone

Brian Dunn

Sam Tovey graduated with a First Class Honours English Literature degree from the University of Surrey in 2013. He now works as a charity fundraising consultant and dreams up chilling stories during his lunch.

Paul Knobloch is a fiction writer and literary translator who is especially well-known for his French to English translations of the novels of Boris Vian. His latest translation, the first English language version of Vian’s Red Grass, was nominated for the BTBA award in 2014 (http://www.rochester.edu/College/translation/threepercent/index.php?id=10122).

He holds a graduate degree in French and teaches English at California State University, Los Angeles. A sample of his recent short fiction can be found at American Ethnography Quasimonthly: http://www.americanethnography.com/article.php?id=124#.VderJfm6fs0. Mr. Knobloch posts regularly on Facebook and Goodreads.

Brent Filer is a freelance writer and blogger at www.brentfiler.com. He has recently attended a ten-week writing workshop led by author Robert Broadwater. Brent has completed his first novel, Give Up The Ghost, which can be purchased on Amazon. He is currently working on his second novel.

Robert Mammone lives in Melbourne, Australia. He has been published in Under the Bed, Doctor Who Magazine, Tales of World War Z, British Fantasy Society, the anthologies Ill at Ease 2, Darker Minds, and Darkest Minds and the magazines Midnight Echo and Filthy Creations.

Brian Dunn is a published writer, author, and humorist. His short story “Stoma Hole” was recently published by The Oddville Press. Brian’s humor writing can be found at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, the Flipboard magazine Mind Product, and Medium.


2016年01月19日 22時 火曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>