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20 Great Fastpitch Softball Questions An

20 Great Fastpitch Softball Questions Answered Volume 2: Questions asked on the Fastpitch TV's Facebook page and answered by the Fastpitch TV Family (Great ... Answered by Fastpitch TV) (English Edition)
The Fastpitch TV's Facebook Page has over 80,000 members. Though out the year members send in questions to Gary, and Gary adds them so The Fastpitch TV Family can answer them. In this book Gary brings you 20 of the top sets of questions and answers from the Facebook page. Gary does not state any of these answers are right or wrong, but they do give you many different coaches thoughts on the same questions.

Questions Include:

1. Should slapping the ball foul be considered a 3rd strike?

2. Do you have team captains?

3. At what age should fastpitch catchers start calling pitches?

4. Do coaches teach catcher etiquette anymore?

5. What is the best way for a batter to intimidate a pitcher?

6. Can a runner be called out for standing on the orange safety bag instead of the white bag?

7. Should every player learn how to sacrifice bunt?

8. What are some things coaches should never do?

9. What is one piece of advice you would give softball parents?

10. What is the best way to teach kids how to slide?

11. What do we do about a player who just can’t play to the level of the team?

12. Does anyone have tips for giving signs at 3rd base?

13. What do you think is the state of travel ball today?

14. What are some good drills to build a power swing?

15. Should we have jerseys with or without sleeves?

16. How do I talk my teenage daughter out of quitting softball?

17. How do you correct a crow hopping pitcher?

18. How do I make my 10U daughter not afraid at the plate?

19. Is it better for a weak player to play on a great team and sit the bench, or on a weaker team and play all of the time?

20. What’s the hardest thing about choosing/finding a travel ball team for your daughter?


2015年01月01日 22時 木曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>